
The Bugatti Story【電子書籍】[ William Boddy ]

The Bugatti Story【電子書籍】[ William Boddy ]

<p>“… Ettore Bugatti was by common consent one of the most brilliant designers ever to work in the automotive field. He produced a greater range of models than any other single designer ever has done: racing machines, sports cars and limousines, automobiles of all sizes …<br /> … The Bugatti was probably the most sought-after and admired pre-World War II car existing, the world over…<br /> … Ettore Bugatti mad inventor or mechanical genius ? Viewed from the point of view of his car designs and productions, he was certainly a mechanical genius …” (1960 - W. Boddy)<br /> In this new digital edition, have been included links to the original Bugatti patents (complete documentation).<br /> The contents of the ebook also relate the victories, the types of cars, family albums, and everything about the Bugatti story.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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